Tech Info


Compatibility and available ports for HP-UX platforms

The HP-UX Unix is available for the PA-RISC 1.x and PA-RISC 2.x based processors. Since the different HP-UX versions are not fully object-compatible to eachother, there are currently three different FlagShip ports available for HP-UX based systems (here listed from newest to oldest):

  • FlagShip for HP-UX 11.0

    This version requires HP-UX 11.0 and Ansi C compiler rel. A11.00 (or newer). Both the FlagShip compiler and the produced executables will run on PA-RISC 1.1 or 2.0 based HP-UX 11 (32bit and 64bit), but not on HP-UX 10 and earlier. The distribution includes both the static and dynamic libraries. You may download the free Test Drive via the corresponding link from the Demos Web page now.

  • FlagShip for HP-UX 10.x

    This version requires HP-UX 10.x and the C compiler rel. A10.11. The compiler may probably also run on HP-UX9, but not on HP-UX11. The produced executables will run on HP-UX 9, 10 and most probably 11. The distribution includes static libraries.

    You may download the free Test Drive via ftp now. For the alternative web download, use the corresponding link from Demos Web page.

  • FlagShip for HP-UX 9.x

    This version requires HP-UX 9.x and the C compiler rel. A10.11. The compiler may probably also run on HP-UX10. The produced executables will run on HP-UX 9 and 10. The distribution includes static libraries.

    You may download the free Test Drive via ftp now. For the alternative web download, use the corresponding link from Demos Web page.

Please choose the FlagShip port carefully according to your used system. Using a FlagShip port incompatible to your HP-UX system may cause unpredictable behaviour.

Note: the C compiler is required only for the development, but not for the user of your application, which only needs the by FlagShip produced executable. See also section SYS.1.2 of the FlagShip manual for further details how to customize your application.

The required disk space on the /usr file system is approx. 20 to 35 MBytes for the FlagShip installation. Check the available space with "df -k /usr"


There are free licenses for test/evaluation purposes, see the price list and license terms for additional details. When you already own FlagShip license and want to upgrade to another HP-UX system, contact your dealer or multisoft.

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