Say/Get example

the usual @..SAY/GET full screen input and output is supported by the common way:

* Compile: FlagShip sysget.prg -o sayget
*    Run: ./sayget   -or-   sayget -io=g  -or-   sayget -io=t

// optional:
#ifdef FlagShip5
* set font "arial" size 12                  // specify another font
* _aGlobSetting[GSET_G_N_GET_HEIGHT] := -2  // adjust Get height

set color to "W+/B,GR+/R,W/B,W/B,GR+/BG"
@  1, 0 SAY "Id No. " GET adr->IdNum   PICT "999999" VALID IdNum > 0
@  3, 0 SAY "Company" GET adr->Company
@  3,35 SAY "Branch"  GET adr->Branch  WHEN  !empty(adr->Company)
@  4, 0 SAY "Name   " GET adr->Name    VALID !empty(adr->Name)
@  4,35 SAY "First "  GET adr->First
@  6, 0 SAY "Country" GET adr->Country PICTURE "@!"
@  8, 0 SAY "Zip    " GET adr->Zip     PICT "@!" VALID !empty(adr->Zip)
@  9, 0 SAY "City   " GET adr->City
@ 10, 0 SAY "Street " GET adr->Street
// .. etc..
* Rlock()   // note: not required in FlagShip, handled automatically
* Unlock    // dito

The default mode in GUI environment with above source (note: to ensure proper GUI look & feel, colors are ignored in GUI mode when not explicitly forced by SET GUICOLOR ON) invoked via sayget :

Say/Get GUI

Or with enabled (i.e. un-commented) lines of above source

#ifdef FlagShip5
  set font "arial" size 12                  // specify another font
  _aGlobSetting[GSET_G_N_GET_HEIGHT] := -2  // adjust Get height = 2 pixels between lines
Say/Get GUI

Or in terminal i/o modus (auto on console or when invoked via sayget -io=t ) :

Say/Get Terminal i/o

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